Do I have to participate?

Spectators are welcome

You do not have to participate, you are most welcome to follow your children or friends from the ground (offering encouragement of course!), but we have a strict active supervision policy, so you cannot leave your children unattended. For supervision from the ground there is no charge.

A supervising adult (over 18) must be able to see all of the children under their supervision, all of the time. So if you have children of varying ages, it is advisable to bring extra supervision. If you would like further guidance on this, just give us a call on +353 (0)51 858008

How many supervisors do I need?

It depends on the number and ages of children

A supervising adult (over 18) must be able to see all of the children under their supervision, all of the time. So if you have children of varying ages, it is advisable to bring extra supervision.

For example, if you have children spanning ages 7 – 17, there may be a time when they are on 5 different circuits, and this would necessitate for separate supervision.

If you are bringing a group of 7-8 year olds, we recommend a ratio of one adult to every 4 children as they often need encouragement at the start.

If you would like further guidance on this, just give us a call on +353 (0)51 858008

Can two supervisors share the same harness?


For safety reasons each person must be fitted with their own harness by an instructor and they must go through the Safety Briefing and trial circuit.

I am bringing other people’s children…

Parents must complete waivers for them online prior to your visit

We ask parents to complete an online waiver for children under 18. It is their duty to ensure that there will be supervisors for their children, on the day.

What’s maximum people I can book in online?

If you have a group of 12 or more, please call us at head office on +353 (0)51 858008 or complete the Group Booking Enquiry Form and we can work to accommodate you. We will be staggering starts with more groups than we normally would, but we can still accommodate a large group.